
Peter Wood

Harvey Season 1 Episode 32

Peter Wood is a 23 year old Graduate of UCL and the Founder & CEO of The Graduate Guide. The Graduate guide is 'dedicated to delivering value to anyone who feels lost or confused in their career journey through hosting interviews with guests such as the Managing Directors of BCG, Google and IPSOS, delving into their career trajectories, while also sharing the founding narratives of brands like Huel, Liquid Death and Flight Story.' 

Peter is pursuing a unique career path choosing learning, knowledge and connections over the shiny graduate jobs such as Consulting or Investment Banking. He has received investment and has built out a team and studio in the heart of King's Cross (Central) London. Peter has spoken to many of the most successful people in the career space and is building a platform making careers more accessible to all people - the more conversations he can have with people of each pathway the more equitable it becomes as everyone is able to learn how to become like them. 

I hope you enjoy our conversation.

Personable is a podcast dedicated to helping listeners become the best they can be by learning from the world’s best in their respective fields. This mission is inspired by my mother, Louise, who encouraged me to become the best version of myself before she passed away from cancer in 2023.

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